Monday, October 18, 2004

I need you like...

Ben Affleck needs acting school.... Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you.

One of the choice lines from "Team America: World Police." The Empress gives it all paws up (but not in that French surrender kind of way.) Funniest movie of 2004. I am in love with Trey Parker and Matt Stone! They totally make the hot conservative guy list - because they are so funny!

The songs make the movie and it's such a shame that they will be ignored by the Academy (mostly due to the fact they cannot be performed on network tv without some editing). Another song:

"Montage. To show it all would take too long. You need a montage. To show him going from a beginner to a pro, you need a montage. Even Rocky had a montage."

Kim Jong-Il sounds like Cartman doing his Vietnamese prostitute impression. It's great!

Warning: The language is horrible.. wow. But, even with all the four letter words (it can never be televised aside from pay per view, I think), it is definately worth the price of admission. War mongering neo-cons get it just as it was great to see Sean Penn and Alec Baldwin get their come uppance.

Update: Rusty at My Pet Jawa is keeping tabs of what the right side of the blogosphere thinks about "Team America."